Olive oil has become very popular over the years, with many people using it in all sorts of dishes and for cooking a wide range of foods. This is an oil that is obtained by pressing whole olives, and the taste of different olive oils can vary based on the olives used and the processing techniques used. The highest quality olive oil is extra virgin, which is unrefined and made from cold-pressed olives.
Whether you use olive oil for cooking, dressing salads, or as part of a dish, one thing you can look forward to is a host of health benefits. While olive oil is fat, it is considered a healthy fat and it can aid your health and wellbeing in many ways. In fact, some people do not realise that olive oil can help to aid both physical health and mental wellbeing thanks to its amazing properties, so you should try and include this as part of your diet. In this article, we will look at some of the ways in which it can boost your health.
1. Boosting Heart Health
Heart disease is something that can have a huge impact on your life, and it can also prove fatal. This is why it is so important to ensure you look after your heart with measures such as regular exercise, a sensible diet, and cutting out bad habits such as smoking. When it comes to diet, olive oil can have a positive impact on your heart health. A lot of research has indicated that extra virgin olive oil in particular can benefit the heart. It can boost healthy cholesterol levels and reduce blood pressure, all of which have an impact on heart health.
2. Reducing Inflammation
Many serious diseases are caused or exacerbated by inflammation, so using products that have an anti-inflammatory effect can prove invaluable in terms of protecting your health. The oleic acid in olive oil plays an important part in reducing inflammation, and this can benefit your health in a range of ways. First, it can help to reduce the risk of a range of potentially serious health problems. Second, it can have a positive impact on the immune system.
3. Boosting Mood
Many people suffer from low mood as well as depression, anxiety, and similar problems. This is something that can have a huge negative impact on various aspects of your life as well as your general wellbeing and health. Studies have found that olive oil consumed as part of a healthy diet can help to boost your mood and reduce depression and anxiety. This can then have a positive impact on your overall health and your life quality.
4. Protecting Liver Health
Studies that have been carried out over recent years have also suggested that extra virgin olive oil can help to protect and even repair the liver. As the one organ in the body that can be repaired, damage to the liver can be reversed in some cases. Based on some studies, olive oil is one of the things that could help to achieve this goal.
Increase Your Olive Oil Intake
If you want to enjoy the health benefits and the delicious taste of quality, Australian extra virgin olive oil, take a look at our award-winning products at Kyneton Olive Oil. We offer a range of products that will enable you to experience the many benefits of olive oil for yourself.